Cost, Packing & Shipping
Club Project Expense (at cost) - per pallet load of 24 boxes - $310. This includes the following materials and the cost of shipping a fully loaded pallet to the point debarkation in Texas. From there, they are shipped via container from points in southern Africa and other countries. Costs or pickup and delivery to our warehouse and logistics of moving the pallet from CNY to Texas will be the Books for the World committee’s responsibility through separate donations made to the project.
- 24 - Heavy duty Cartons: (18”x12”x12” Heavy Duty)
- 3 - Rolls of Clear Package Tape: (2.5 mil x 2” wide x 55 yards)
- Shipping to Houston Texas for shipment on to countries in southern Africa and other regions in need.
- Gently used or new, children’s books and K thru 6th Elementary School books.
Textbooks - K thru 12th grades. Set of 10 or more of same title with associated teacher’s materials, when available. Emphasis on: reading, literature, math, science and world history. If a sets takes up more than one carton, then mark next to the content label, with heavy marker, “1 of (number of boxes)”; i.e. 1 of 2, 2 of 3, etc.
Library Books, All library books in good condition, except service manuals. Do not mix with pallets of K thru 12th grade text books.
- College text books - can be included in pallet of library books
- Encyclopedias – only full sets, less than 20 years old and acceptable for children’s use.
- Magazines - National Geographic & Smithsonian only
- Professional Books - Current medical, etc. Law (current international law only).
- DO NOT - pack repair manuals
- When in doubt, call your regional coordinator or Pete Cardamone 585-750-7211

TEXTBOOKS: If there are multiple boxes of the same title for Text Books, then write the name of the title on the carton just below the contents label and mark the multiple boxes as: 1 of 3, 2 or 3, etc. Indicate if the teacher’s manual is in a specific carton.
- Children’s Books
- Primary School - Text Books
- Secondary School - Text Books
- College - Text Books
- Fiction
- Non-Fiction
- Reference Books
- Professional (type, subject, etc.)
- Other (indicate type, subject, etc.)

- Pallet Placards - The purpose of the Pallet Placard is so the the folks it the Texas BFTW warehouse that are loading the containers, can locate and load the types of books requested by the BFTW Rotarian Distribution Centers. They are picking these pallets from warehouse storage shelves, at times 24 or more feet high. Hence the need for large pallet placards.
- Carton Labels - The pallets are eventually shipped to a BFTW Rotarian Distribution Centers where the pallets are broken down. Once this is done, unmarked cartons will loose their identity. Hence the need for individual carton ID label.
- Number of pallets
- Location: Facility name and full address
- Days of weeks & hours of operations
- Loading area: dock or other?
- Equipment: Forklift or pallet jack available?
- Contact: On site contact name and a phone number that they can be reached.
- Condition: Are the wrapped with shrink-wrap of not
- Other Information the driver may need.